Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.


Let's teach the world the Word, and sing the Word to the world



Wale TAIWO is a multi talented artiste. A performer per excellence, a producer and a song writer. He is the President of His Angelic Voices Int’l and the CEO of Making Merry. He runs a concert series tagged FIRE PRAISE. The concert series have been on since 2005 with inspiring testimonies.


Be sure you are going to be blessed by this song. Feel free to download/listen via the link below 👇👇👇

Emi Adupe

You can reach him on
WhatsApp: +2348035257195
Facebook  : wale Taiwo
Instagram : wale_Taiwo

Don’t forget to comment and subscribe to this page
God bless 🙏💞❣️

One Response

  1. Ηеllо all, guуs! I knоw, my mеѕsаge maу bе tоо ѕpeсіfіс,
    But mу ѕiѕter fоund nісe mаn here and they marrіеd, ѕo hоw abоut mе?ǃ 🙂
    Ι am 22 yеarѕ old, Mаrgаrіtа, from Romаnіa, Ι knоw Engliѕh and German languagеѕ also
    Αnd… Ι hаvе ѕрeсifіc disеase, nаmed nуmphomanіa. Who knоw what is thіs, саn undеrѕtand me (bеtter to ѕаy it іmmedіаtely)
    Аh yes, Ι cook verу taѕty! and Ι lоvе not оnlу сооk ;))
    Ιm real girl, not рroѕtіtute, аnd looking fоr ѕerіous аnd hоt relаtіonshіp…
    Anywау, you can fіnd mу рrofilе here: http://enencotilowland.tk/idl-86672/

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